Laketon Township

Burn Permits for Open Burning

The Michigan DNR is the governmental entity in charge of open burning regulations.

Typically, the site is updated at 10:00 am, letting people know if open burning is allowed that day, HOWEVER  during the spring/early summer months, conditions can change quickly and burning may be disallowed or turned off at any given time due to conditions that may make open burning dangerous.

Please check the site often for updates – click the link below:

There is also a lot of information on burning regulations, what is permitted to be burned and what isnt.

Please review this information before burning anything.  Burning in Laketon Township is generally limited to untreated, clean brush.  NO BURNING OF GRASS OR LEAVES is permitted anywhere in Laketon Township.

For more information, call 866-922-BURN (866-922-2876).