*There will be times when regular inspectors are unavailable due to State of Michigan licensing/continuing educational requirements, vacation &/or illness; substitute inspectors may be used, if available.
Public Act 230 of 1972, known as the Dtille-Derossett-Hale Single State Construction Code Act was adopted by the State of Michigan to provide rules to govern the construction and use of all buildings and structures, including land area incidental to said buildings and structures within the State. Laketon Township has elected to adopt and enforce the Michigan and Residential Building codes within its jurisdiction to insure adequate protection to the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
Permits are required in Laketon Township as they are in all municipalities in the State of Michigan. Posted below are permit applications that can be printed from your computer. The permit application forms below each contain the appropriate fee schedule for that work type. Special Note: Commercial and residential work no longer have different forms or fee schedules!
Building Permits are required for most construction projects. Public Act 230 of 1972 regulates the construction projects requiring permits. Fees for Building Permits are established in a Schedule of Fees approved by resolution by the Laketon Township Board. The list below generalizes those projects requiring a Building Permit under the Act.
Permit Applications can be emailed in to the Building Dept. Clerk Tammy Stephenson at Please note: New Dwelling permit applications MAY NOT be emailed in as there are too many documents and drawings required to come with the application form.
Please be aware that you are required to register your license with Laketon Township in order to obtain permits for work on residential properties. There is a registration form posted below.
New Construction Building Permit Application – Use this application for new home construction or large remodel/addition projects or large commercial work/projects. This form must be accompanied by other required documentation, site plans, construction drawings etc. Please see the building permit checklist for a comprehensive list of documentation that may be required for your project.
Building Permit Checklist – This checklist MUST accompany all applications for new home construction and any construction of new commercial structures.
Building Permit Information – The document lists information and documentation that needs to accompany building permit applications for new home construction.
Building Permit Short Form – Use this application for smaller remodel/repair projects, replacement windows/doors, residing, re-roofing, decks, porches sheds or other misc projects.
Contractor Registration Form – Use this form to register your contractor license – remit to Laketon Township with the $15 fee and a copy of your license & proof of liability insurance and worker’s comp if carried.
Electrical Permit Application – Use this application for all commercial and/or residential electrical work.
Mechanical Permit Application – Use this application for all commercial &/or residential mechanical work.
Plumbing Permit Application – Use this application for all commercial &/or residential plumbing work.
Zoning Permit Application – Use this application for all zoning work.
Property Sketch Form – You may use this sketch form with any permit application when a site plan is needed.
Building Permits issued under Public Act 230 of 1972
Inspection must be scheduled at least 24 hours prior to the time the inspection is needed. A minimum of three inspections are required on most structures. Inspections for any electrical, mechanical and plumbing work are prior to any framing or final inspection by the Township. The person obtaining and signing for a permit is the responsible party for all work completed under said permit.
Foundation/Footing Inspections are required prior to the placing of concrete in any piers, trenches and form work. For Wood Foundations the stone fill and footing plate must be in place. Backfill Inspections are required prior to any backfill and after the footings, walls, waterproofing, temporary backfill bracing, pea rock, and drain tile are installed.
Rough/Framing Inspections are required prior to any insulation or wall covering being installed. All framing, roofing, fire-stopping, bracing, and all required State Inspections must be in place prior to the rough/framing inspection.
Final/Certificate of Occupancy Inspections are required to finalize all work being completed under a Building Permit issued by the Township’s Building Official. A new building and or an existing building that has been altered shall not be occupied or used until a Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the Building Official. No final inspections will be completed or Certificate of Occupancies issued until all State Inspections have been completed and approval tags posted.
Zoning Compliance Permits issued under Section 153.418 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Stake inspection for setback compliance with the Zoning Code.
Final inspection to finalize permit based on the application made.
Please contact the Building Department if you should have any questions on required inspection or if you need other additional information.
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